May 19, 2007

No Friend of Mine

What do Paul Coro, Kelly Dwyer, and Henry Abbott have in common?

While you ponder that question, allow me to give some background information about myself.

I have, as noted by accredited sources, an antisocial personality. I am uncomfortable around people for the most part because I just don't click with society in general. (This point is made painfully clear when one considers my preference to sit in a small, dark room typing away on my computer over any and all social activities, which means that I don't keep a lot of friends.) It can be a lonely and depressing existence at times, but in my mind, it beats the alternative of feeling like I'm living in a mental ward populated by around 300 million patients.

The few people that I do let into my little world generally pass the initial test of not being a complete moron. Admittedly, I have made mistakes, but none that I haven't quickly rectified. For instance, there was the "friend" who stole my portable DVD player and several movies to trade for a teener of meth. I know he did it because he was in my house at the time the items turned up missing, and he had zero money of his own. To his credit, though, he did offer to share it with me, despite his insistence that he did not rip me off.

I chalk up that friendship to a drug induced stupor, though, as I was certainly experimenting at the time - anything to curb the banalities of college life. I wasn't using that particular chemical nightmare when it all happened, which made it all the more astounding that he would even offer to share that which could technically be described as my property.

I made a mistake, and I kicked him out of my life, leaving the supposed friend no doubt that he was no longer welcome in my immediate vicinity.

The gist of all this is that I stay away from people because I cannot mentally handle the innate stupidity with which the general population conducts its daily affairs. It drives me nuts - to the point that fantasies of the barrel of a large caliber firearm resting on the base of my skull bring me a sense of peace.

But even in the virtual world I am not safe.

I knew right after Amare Stoudemire's and Boris Diaw's suspensions came down from the elephant tusk towers of the league offices in New York that I would not be able to go to any basketball site because there would be bitter Laker fans and smug Spurs fans talking about how bad the Suns are and what an amazing team San Antonio is. I also knew that some moron would come out with a gem like this...

I sincerely believe that San Antonio would have won a fairly called Game 4. This could have ended in five.

-Henry Abbott,

Obviously not a Clockwork Orange reader.

Here writes a person, under the guise of "basketball expert", that the only thing that kept the Spurs from taking this sooner is an unevenly called game four. You remember that one, don't you? It was the one in which Tim Duncan was actually in foul trouble for once, as well as having been called for two travels on his infamous shuffle step under the basket. It was also the game that hid the free throw shooting disparity of the series and made it look as if the other five games were fairly called. You can read the entry below for information on that.

Are people out there really so full of themselves that they have the ability to ignore indisputable hard evidence that contradicts their own beliefs, simply because someone suddenly decided to call them "experts"? This is as bad as a rich, white politician saying that the only problem with the working poor is that they are simply not working hard enough.

It astounds me that the world is able to function like this.

What scares me the most, I think, is that there are actually people out there who get most of their information from people like Henry Abbott and Kelly Dwyer. Even my imaginary arch nemesis Paul Coro is on the Suns' case in this most perverted example of bandwagon jumping from the site that banned my IP.

The Spurs still have the Suns' number. Phoenix is still nothing more than a great, entertaining regular season team. Playoff basketball is a different brand of ball geared for the physical and clutch.

-Paul Coro Suns beat writer for the Arizona Republic

Isn't it his job to be dissonant going the OTHER way? Maybe he didn't watch the Phoenix Suns gut it out for six games, holding the Spurs to 43.7% shooting over the middle four games (series low 40.3% without Stoudemire and Diaw). Maybe he didn't see Steve Nash turning the Suns bench into the river Nile of Moses' day when the Suns needed his clutch the most. Maybe he didn't see an exhausted Suns team trying their hardest to make a clutch play without the services of its biggest man and free throw machine in game five. And maybe he missed game four altogether, considering that it was the biggest clutch performance by the Suns the entire season.

The one thing these three people have in common is that not a single one of them has a fundamental understanding of the game of professional basketball. For the simple fact that they write about the game for a weekly paycheck, they are three of the biggest offenders in a world gone completely retarded.

I don't claim to be a genius. I left that up to the clinical evaluation. But I will NEVER sit here and toss aside half a story in order to prove my own argument. I have a really nasty habit of looking at all the information available, comparing it, then drawing a conclusion that almost always supports my first hand observations. If my research doesn't support my view, I do one of two things.

1. I don't write about it.

2. I admit my error and move on.

If everyone in the world exercised my discretion, maybe I wouldn't be sitting in a small, dark room typing away on a computer. If fewer people were as ignominiously ignorant as those three "experts", then perhaps I would take the trouble to go outside and make more friends.

As it stands, I would rather not risk a gun to the back of my head.


Unknown said...

Why is it that I can see exactly what you see through my own eyes?

Perhaps it is because I share a view of life and humanity with you.

For reasons that are vast, not excluding the way the NBA took its approach to what, by all standards, SHOULD have been the series of the playoffs.

Several forums in which I participate had many threads about this series - mostly by people who don't throw their regular season weight behind the Suns - who are mad at the NBA for what happened in game 4 and its aftermath, and are turning off the tube through the rest of the playoffs.

The Suns truly are America's team. A class act that isn't 'good enough' for an NBA championship in the eyes of the league - if only. They're TOO good. If Stern, Colangelo and others truly wanted to clean up the NBA's image, they'd hold the Suns as the standard for the rest of the league to follow. This makes me double irritated with Colangelo. He's become Stern's right hand man, with recent rules changes etc, he of all people should have stuck up for America's Team.

Elias Butler said...

Excellent piece Jey, you said it. At the risk of sounding like a mavs fan, the refs sure did help the spurs in this series. The preferential treatment of duncan is to be expected by now, but still rankles, especially when added to the assortment of favorable calls/non-suspensions regarding bowen and gnosebleed and parker. Now I know how Lou feels after seeing D-Wade last season.

The question is, though - what can the SUNS organization do to turn things around? They can only control so much of the officiating, and will ultimately have to play through such obstacles as they encountered this series. They almost did it too, ie, see Game 5.

Does Phx need to lose tha MATRICKS and get that magical alias who is going to be so much more effective? Butler says hell no.

The SUNS simply need to keep improving their already effective offense and defense. D'Antoni can improve his coaching. The chemistry and camaraderie need to be there. Consistency from all players is needed.

The SUNS could have won with better play, even with the horrid officiating. They almost did. The difference between champ and chump is so slim. I believe in these SUNS as much as ever, and this series will prove valuable in the future.

And, as far as being the antisocial man with the keyboard - good. We need you there. There's enuff of the other bs happening, and the hunter thompsons and ed abbeys of the world provide us with a belief in the truth. It helps to keep us going. And ironically, it's making you well liked by more than you might guess.


Jey said...

I really don't see a lot of wholesale changes happening, even with the luxury tax looming.


They will overcome the idiotic league crap, especially after what they went through this season. The Suns are earning it the hard way, and no way in hell Steve Nash lets this get the team down.



Unknown said...

Jey, how many different ID's do you post under on AZcentral? Did you get into it with some John guy? Trying to figure out if you are the one "jey" i remember seeing on there around January, or some other guy. Great blog regardless

Jey said...


I was the Jey from January, but azcuntral banned my IP address a couple weeks ago. I guess they didn't like me arguing with people.

marc said...

Jey I completely agree with you on most sports writer are indefinitly stupid in many ways and the series was totally lopsided.I hated every second of everyday because the suns lost to the spurs.It hurts but I will get over it.I just could not believe the officiating and the poor judgement on Stern's part.This series should have gone to the suns.But next year will be different.I say we pick up that chinese guy yi jilian 7 footer who can play the fast pace of the suns perfect.We are definitly going to win next year if we get one solid low post guy that is 7 foot.

I like the posts that you have made throughout the series and I could not agree with you more.But the suns are dealt the cards and now they must fold them this year but will come back with vengence and hunger for the spurs next year.I say the suns make a team that will dominate the spurs.I think we should get ron artest too so that he can handle the dirty work for the suns.I know it sounds a little out there but trust we need one guy to do the dirty work and that would be ron,I don't want raja to cause any more havoc but if he wants to get dirty he can too.

Suns will have many of championships soon!!!Just wait....the dynasty will come....SUNS FAN FOREVER!!!!

marc said...

Oh yeah jey my ip address got blocked from work because of one my dumb co workers fucked it over for me so I can post.

Unknown said...

I am not sure I'd like Artest here. Sure, he can ball very good, but he doesn't seem to have a total commitment to the game and he comes with that extracurricular baggage. With the way the Suns have handled that in the past, there is no way he will land here - however, Colangelo is now gone so you never know.