May 24, 2007

Crazy Train Aside

Wow. I'm sitting here watching VH-1 Classic, waiting for my dinner of bangers and mash to finish cooking. It's a recipe I picked up in Australia, and it's great game food. So I'm watching the VH-1 Rock Honors special, and they have the classic Black Sabbath lineup (Randy Wilde on guitar) with Ozzy wailing "Crazy Train".

This is the late 80s lineup that brought us such instant classics as "Bark at the Moon" and "No More Tears". I remember this because "No More Tears was the first Ozzy Osbourne single that I truly loved. The video was dark and sinister, with a woman drowning in her own tears. It was a beautiful site at midnight on Friday for a late-teenaged young man without a date and with an extraordinary sense of the artistic.

The most striking image from the video was a shot from below hip level showing Randy Wilde treating his guitar like a summer lover. She was a black and white target paint job on a flying V six-string (not Target as in cheap Chinese merchandise, target as in bulls eye), and she danced like a rabid wolf under the trance of the syncopated strobe. It's the same guitar he is playing right now on VH-1 Classic Rock Honors, and it's Ozzy singing "Crazy Train".

And now dinner is done, the Simpsons is on, and all I have my trusty Red Rider BB gun with a compass in the stock and this thing, which tells time.


I'd like to thank JK-1 for correcting my misinformation on the Oz. I like learning, so that was really cool of him. Thanks, mate.


Dallin Crump said...


I'm suffering Suns withdrawal.

Looking forward to October...5 months...arrgh...

JSun said...

I'm still mad at Stern and you're nearby, so:

Bangers and Mash came from England and they exported to places like Australia and Ireland.

"Crazy Train" was recorded after Ozzy (note the "y") left Sabbath. Randy Rhoads was the guitarist. Zack Wylde came after Jake E. Lee. I think Zack did the "No More Tears" album, though.

I think sometime in the late 90s when he reunited with Sabbath, they did play some of his solo stuff, though, at OzzFest.

Enjoy the Simpsons and don't shoot your eye out.

Jey said...

Thank you for the corrections, good sir. As I said, I was never a fan until No More Tears, so I appreciate the education.

Peace and Basketball Upon Thee

Jey said...

Oh...and I picked up bangers and mash when I was in Australia. That is what I was referring to when I said that it was "a recipe I picked up in Australia."

I was basically living there for four months last year, and I picked up quite a bit of Aussie culture while there. Origins aside, I just found some nice things there.

JSun said...

Didn't mean to be difficult, but I'm still a little Stu-ed over the email I got from the NBA a couple of days ago. Why open up something I moved past?

"No More Tears" came out while you were in HS, so we're about the same age. What were you doing before then? Listening to the Cure and being melancholy?

Of course, that's also when The Simpsons hit it big. It's a closed system, for every plus there is a minus.

I've been trying to find that rap song that mixed/sampled "Crazy Train" to add to my iPod. Any ideas?

Jey said...

No clue. I don't do the rap thing anymore.

Funny...I DID listen to the Cure, but I wasn't all melancholy. It was just a new type of music after growing up in a top 40 world.

JSun said...

Eh? I'll find it somewhere else. No ups, no downs, thanks MTV.

Unknown said...

"Bark At The Moon" = Jan 1984.

Brings back some memories, for sure.

kellydwyer said...

I wish you'd let me email you. Or, at least, talk with you man-to-man.

David Robinson said...

funny thing is, i wasn't even born in Jan of 84 :P

Anonymous said...

Is that the real Kelly Dwyer? Jey you should make him ask again but make him say that you were right! Anyways the song that uses the guitar work from crazy train i believe is a song called "lets go" by Trick Daddy along with others..Its pretty good.

Jey said...

"I wish you'd let me email you. Or, at least, talk with you man-to-man."

That can be arranged.

Jey said...

You can e-mail me through my profile. I put up my first tier hotmail account. I don't share my private e-mail publicly, but I reply to hotmail messages quickerly than I do my other.

Anonymous said...

"Anyways the song that uses the guitar work from crazy train i believe is a song called "lets go" by Trick Daddy along with others..Its pretty good."

There's also that song Ozzy did with Busta Rhymes--"This Means War."

JSun said...

Is the Busta Rhymes song, "Ready for War"?

Anonymous said...

Nah, that's the song he did with M.O.P. The Ozzy one is called "This Means War." Guess he could have been a little more creative with the song titles!