I'm Jey again. My apologies for the ego indulgence, but I needed a vacation from myself for a while. I hadn't been myself the previous 17 months or so due to my very first kidney stone I received for my birthday in 2007 and the complications that followed. I was on prescription narcotics for a very long time, and it took even longer to rid myself of its effects. I had a very odd year (+).
The Percocet seriously exacerbated my attention deficit disorder, and finally led me to get treatment for it. I'm excited. I get free prescription amphetamines. This could be fun. Not only was I forced to deal with my ADD, I also learned of another neat condition that explains me entirely. I had heard about Asperger's syndrome before, and someone actually suggested that it might be my personal Grail, but I never found enough information about it online until last spring, for some reason. All the tests I've taken to evaluate my mental state strongly suggest it, so I'm going with it. (Believe me...it explains EVUHRYTHING.)
I awaken from my 17 month haze to find the Suns looking like a team I should hate. Well...it is, and I do. After going over some old entries, I realise that it's time I make an effort to come back because, well...when you're right, you're right. And goddam it, I was RIGHT! This team has fallen apart, and it started with 'A'm'a'r'e' (seriously...what will be his next excuse to draw attention to himself? A Prince Albert? *graphic image alert*) eroding team chemistry with an unsubstantiated ego worthy of Benoit Benjamin, complete with the oblivious stupidity and laziness that made BB the most frustrating talent in NBA history...until now.
Anyone who's been following azacentral and planetorange is well aware of my stance on 'A'm'a'r'e' these days. Trade his stupid ass or put him on Adderall. At first, my opinion was met with much resistance, but it seems that the Trade Amare Express is gathering a full head of steam, and people around the league and in the front office are beginning to take notice.
It's about damn time. (It's not like I sent David Griffin a long ass e-mail regarding the team's and fans' chemistry and the perception shift amongst fans as to the direction of the franchise a year and a half ago. Thanks for the forward, Jeramie.)
Anyway...I'm not here to bitch about that. I'm here to make my presence known in the basketblog world again. I've gotten over the whole first round debacle of last year, and I'm ready to move on. Unfortunately for the organisation, though, my mission has changed. I may still be Jey, but my message is no longer, "It's OUR time!" It's now, "Your time is up."
Let's just hope I can manage my ADD enough to stick with it.
*fingers crossed, subversively flipping off Sarver, Kerr, and Griffin*
Edit (10-20-09): And wouldn't ya know it...as soon as I post this, I lose my internet. Gotta love the cosmos. Here's hoping that things work out.